I had an awesome week! I didn't miss a single run. I didn't miss a workout. I ate well. I even volunteered on the weekend which did more to change my soul than I could have ever imagined.
Saturday was my "tune up" run before the half marathon (just 25 days away!), which is the last long run before the 'taper off' schedule (meant to preserve energy for race day). I ran it with my Mom and it was a GREAT run!
When I did my weight training this past weekend I went up in weights from 8lbs to TEN POUNDERS!!
Volunteering for the Loaring Under the Sun 10k was the highlight of my week for sure. Since I had to run 12 miles on the Saturday, there was no way I'd be able to race in a 10k (6.2 miles) the very next morning. I was stationed as a "race marshall" (oooo how professional!) at the 3k mark of the 5k loop which was run twice over at the race.
For the first time, I was able to be the loud relentless cheerer that I so often depend on at my own races. I was able to tell others YOU CAN DO IT! perhaps when they felt unsure.
I saw many friends and business associates during the race that I had no idea were runners, so it was a great experience to see my circle of "running friends" is larger than I ever thought!
The greatest part of volunteering that day - and my reason for even doing so in the first place, was to cheer on my best friend. Not only is she my best friend (well one of them) she's also what I call my SOLE-MATE. She makes me want to be a better person. She is so selfless and so sincere of a human being. She goes through life doing what she wants to do - not for the accolades or the attention from others; she does crazy things like run marathons and run a 10k race just 2 months after giving birth to push HERSELF.
I want to push myself the way she does.
I wanna be like her when I grow up.
To be able to cheer her on was such an incredible and emotional experience. One that will only be topped once her and I (and my 2 other sole-mates) finally race together in October at the Free Press Half Marathon.
RECIPE FOR SUCCESS: find good people. surround yourself with them. be selfless for them as they are for you. do not take them for granted.
Aym, Ali, Mom.... you girls make me feel like I can take on the world!
+1lb (but I think that's just my heart swelling with joy this week)
before I volunteered this weekend I found myself in a funk, not sure why but I didn't feel great. When you're down on yourself, go do something for someone ELSE - its amazing how much better it really can make YOU feel inside.
I have dipped a little bit into my son's Easter candy, but a piece or two after dinner is a nice treat and sharing with my lil man is worth the 150cals.
Thanks for the well wishes, I'm so close to my goal!!
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